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A General Overview of what I do

I am a practicum student with an organization called Big Brothers Big Sisters, located in Abbotsford, BC. Big Brothers Big Sisters is a In one-on-one or group mentoring programmes, mentors are matched with young people who are struggling with challenges. In order to help young people grow into healthy adults who are better able to handle and conquer life's challenges, mentoring is an important way to offer them experience with these crucial back-and-forth connections.

Father and Son Playing

Explorations Program

The explorations program was the first program that I participated in with this organization. It was a seven week program at Alexander elementrary school, with 12 studetns from grades 4 to 5. In this program two other group leaders and I would teach a small lesson dedicated to the theme of the week, then lead the group in games and activites for the two and a half hours that the ran. 

Painting Wall

One on One Mentoring

Through the mid point of the explorations program my mentor leader asked me if I would like to start a new program at Colleen and Gordie Howe middle school, with a grade six student. Where I would meet that student one day a week for an hour and spend time with that student doing activities and chatting, with the intentions of guiding that student down a positivie path. 

Using Mobile Phones


The BSER program stands for building social emotional resiliencey. This program occurs once a week where I drive out to Chilliwack to meet with a group of four highschool students at Chilliwack middle school, where they are to teach a lesson to a grade eight classroom about a certain subject connected to ones owns emotions. My job is to sit in the classroom and observe, and offer support to the high schoolers who are teaching the lesson. 


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


Art Class

Big Bunch

The big bunch program that I have recently just started running is an art based program that takes place one day a week. In this program I teach the group of students how to make a certain craft that we have planned, and we play games, and get to know one another. The goal is to create a positive creative program for students to explore their creativity and meet new friends. 

Non Program Related Work

Besides the program that I run, I also do work a certain amount of hours a week in the office, where I will complete work/ tasks that my mentor has assigned me, like putting together lesson plans, taking notes in interviews, writing interview summary's, and collecting consent forms.

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